magan Overview
This player has been seen on over 250 servers. Due to the number of servers this player has been on we are only displaying the most recent 250 servers.
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Player notes are limited to Premium and RCON subscribers. Click the button below to start a subscription and gain access to these features.
Servers seen on 250 server(s)
This profile based on name based matches only.
[US East] Facepunch Premium 2 last seen now
- First Seen
- Time Played
[EU] Facepunch Small 2 last seen now
- First Seen
- Time Played
[US East] Facepunch 6 last seen
- First Seen
- Time Played
[CAN] Primitive 1 last seen now
[余音]1000倍/3.15新档/萌新/秒造/传送/稳定 last seen
[US East] Facepunch Premium 4 last seen
VAULT RUST VANILLA last seen now
VAULT RUST VANILLA last seen now
BlackLabMarines Server last seen
[霸道]10000000倍-3.15日-萌新首选-稳定长久 last seen
[官方社区][半月清][3.15新开][真人]火龙果|2倍 last seen
[HUN][EU] R.A.R.A last seen
[EU East] Facepunch 2 last seen
[EU] Facepunch 4 last seen
[EU] Facepunch 6 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Small 6 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Small 5 last seen
RustGalaxy Australia last seen
[EU] Facepunch 12 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Premium 1 last seen
[初心]10倍/3.15新档/传送/萌新/旗开得胜 last seen
SunFlower #2 PvP last seen
[GER] Rust-RP Roleplayserver last seen
[EU] Facepunch 2 last seen | EU Main last seen
[US East] Primitive 1 last seen
[US] Facepunch Small 1 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Small 4 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Softcore 3 last seen
Wild N Out 2x last seen
Mudar Personal last seen
[EU] Facepunch Softcore 2 last seen
[EU East] Facepunch 4 last seen
[US East] Facepunch Premium 1 last seen
plugin test server last seen
TheLink last seen
[US East] Facepunch 4 last seen
[EU East] Facepunch 1 last seen
Rust LoVe Server PvE JP last seen
[US West] Facepunch 2 last seen
小萌妹PVE-建家打怪-万款皮肤免费-房子无敌 last seen
[初心]1000倍/3.15新档/爆枪/官方/萌新首选 last seen
『英雄PVE』大背包不清/死亡不掉/BOSS副本/新手� last seen
[US East] Primitive 3 last seen
[NOR/EU] Norwegian Newbies last seen
[US] Rusticle Main last seen
[EU] Facepunch Large 2 last seen
[EU East] Facepunch Large last seen
【奔奔-PVE公益】原倍/突袭据点/萌新/耐玩 last seen
A Shockbyte Rust Server last seen
MTLENT X1 [CLASSIC] WIPE 06.03 last seen
ПРОСТОЙ КЛАССИКА #6 [X2] last seen
3Bomja | ТРИ БОМЖА last seen
[锦航]100000000倍-3.15日-萌新首选-稳定长久 last seen
Pve原版萌新学习养老服 last seen
don server last seen
Vikingland last seen
『柠萌PVE』死亡不掉 | 无限成长 | 高手进阶 2服 last seen
[KR]PVP몬타서버[초보,뉴비] 3/14 last seen
[CAN] Facepunch 2 last seen
[初心]2倍/3.15新档/半月/四人服/萌新首选 last seen
【游侠】5倍10废|3.14新档|爆枪|新手入门 last seen
blake server last seen
Biggus Jiggles last seen
[SEA] Beginners Vanilla - Duo/Trio last seen
- First Seen
- Time Played
[EU] Facepunch 1 last seen
royking last seen
[EU] Facepunch 3 last seen
[US] WTF Rust 5X last seen
Rusty Moose |EU Mondays| last seen
【流星】PVE|仿官原倍|休闲养老 last seen
[US East] Facepunch 1 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Softcore 1 last seen
[初心]100倍100废/3.15新档/传送/千军万马 last seen
[EU East] Facepunch 5 last seen
【星云】10000倍|秒造|爆枪|礼包|新手入门 last seen
【大菠萝】1000倍|爆枪|礼包|秒造|新手推荐 last seen
熊大|3.15新开|无权|4人|萌新首选| last seen
[EU] Primitive 1 last seen
[US East] Facepunch 5 last seen
[EU] Primitive 2 last seen
[EU East] Facepunch 3 last seen
『柠萌PVE』2服农场 last seen
[EU] Facepunch Small 1 last seen
[US East] Facepunch 2 last seen
NanGua|T8|1x|monthly|3.7 last seen
『葡萄』5倍|萌新|无权|3月15号新档|危机四伏 last seen
【布丁】100倍|秒造|爆枪|礼包|新手推荐 last seen - SEA Long last seen
№ChinaRust「新手村」3.10日新开-3倍-适合新手 last seen
[AUS] Facepunch 1 last seen
[初心]5倍/3.15新档/萌新/无权/势均力敌 last seen
Duppies noobs No KOS last seen
[EU] Facepunch 7 last seen
LatinPOWA PRIMARIS - AR Long last seen
[EU] Facepunch 5 last seen
【萌新原倍仿官】独狼solo/2人 last seen
#10-[搞就完了]10倍/3.15新档/无权/萌新首选 last seen
Rust Alvorada 3x PvP last seen
[SEA] Facepunch 2 last seen
[CAN] Facepunch 1 last seen
- First Seen
- Time Played