Республика Коми • Public Server ©
- Rank
- #1870
- Player count
- 0/32
- Address
- Status
- invalid
- Distance
- 7992 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- de_dust2_2x2
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
admin_loader_version | 3.5 |
aes | 0.5.9 [REAPI] |
aes_bonus_enable | 0 |
aes_track_pause | 0 |
allow_spectators | 1 |
amx_client_languages | 0 |
amx_language | ru |
amx_nextmap | $2000$_xmas |
amx_ts_admin_flags | |
amx_ts_appearance | 0 |
amx_ts_autojoin | 0 |
amx_ts_autojoin_immunity | a |
amx_ts_mode | 0 |
amx_ts_spec | 0 |
amx_ts_time_limit | 15 |
amx_ts_unlimited | 0 |
amxmodx_version | |
auw_version | 0.1.0b |
block_change_name | 1 |
block_chat_time | 5.0 |
block_grenade_flash | 2 |
block_grenade_he | 1 |
block_grenade_limit | 1 |
block_grenade_msg | 1 |
block_grenade_smoke | 1 |
block_grenade_sound | 1 |
block_hud_text | 1 |
block_lantern | 1 |
block_lantern_time | 1 |
block_lantern_time_out | 1.5 |
block_radio | 2 |
block_radio_flood | 0.75 |
block_spray | 0 |
bot_allow_grenades | 1 |
bot_allow_machine_guns | 1 |
bot_allow_pistols | 1 |
bot_allow_rifles | 1 |
bot_allow_rogues | 1 |
bot_allow_shield | 1 |
bot_allow_shotguns | 1 |
bot_allow_snipers | 1 |
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns | 1 |
bot_auto_vacate | 1 |
bot_chatter | normal |
bot_deathmatch | 0 |
bot_debug | 0 |
bot_defer_to_human | 0 |
bot_difficulty | 0 |
bot_join_after_player | 1 |
bot_join_delay | 0 |
bot_join_team | any |
bot_nav_edit | 0 |
bot_nav_zdraw | 4 |
bot_prefix | |
bot_profile_db | BotProfile.db |
bot_quicksave | 0 |
bot_quota | 0 |
bot_quota_mode | normal |
bot_show_danger | 0 |
bot_show_nav | 0 |
bot_stop | 0 |
bot_traceview | 0 |
bot_walk | 0 |
bot_zombie | 0 |
ChatAdditions_version | v1.9.4 |
coop | 0 |
csstatsx_sql | 0.7.4+2 |
CustomSkies_version | 0.0.1 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 120 |
dr_delay | 5 |
dr_demo_list | 1 |
dr_demo_name | Rus_project_public |
dr_show_info | 1 |
edgefriction | 2 |
fb_mp_effect | 1 |
fb_mp_hudcolor | 255255255 |
fb_mp_interval | 1.0 |
fb_mp_motd | 0 |
fb_mp_msgstyle | 1 |
fb_mp_msgtype | 3 |
fb_mp_ssnum | 5 |
ff_damage_reduction_bullets | 0.35 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade | 0.25 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self | 1.0 |
ff_damage_reduction_other | 0.35 |
game_version | |
hbf_debug | 1 |
hbf_enabled | 1 |
humans_join_team | any |
mapm_version | 3.2.1 |
max_queries_sec | 1 |
max_queries_sec_global | 1 |
max_queries_window | 1 |
metamod_version | |
mode2x2_version | 2.5re |
molotov_buy_limit | 1 |
molotov_check_buyzone | 1 |
molotov_check_hit_player | 2 |
molotov_cost | 800 |
molotov_demage_mode | 1 |
molotov_demage_radius_mode | 2 |
molotov_demage_time | 0.25 |
molotov_demage_value | 20.0 |
molotov_duration | 15 |
molotov_effect_mode | 2 |
molotov_effect_num | 40 |
molotov_equip_access | 1 |
molotov_killfeed | 1 |
molotov_limit_round | 1 |
molotov_radius | 128.0 |
molotov_smoke_owner | models/w_smokegrenade.mdl |
molotov_smoke_touch | 1 |
molotov_throwtime | 2.0 |
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time | 0 |
mp_autokick | 0 |
mp_autokick_timeout | -1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 1 |
mp_buy_anywhere | 0 |
mp_buytime | 0.25 |
mp_c4timer | 35 |
mp_chattime | 3 |
mp_consistency | 1 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 1 |
mp_flashlight | 0 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcecamera | 0 |
mp_forcechasecam | 0 |
mp_forcerespawn | 0 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_fragsleft | 0 |
mp_freeforall | 0 |
mp_freezetime | 3 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_give_player_c4 | 1 |
mp_hostage_hurtable | 1 |
mp_hostagepenalty | 2 |
mp_infinite_ammo | 0 |
mp_infinite_grenades | 0 |
Server failed to respond to query
ĤĒ_ÝMÊŮ_ĈŦPÊĴI9Ťb left the game
Twinner left the game
red devil left the game
Pandem. left the game
RAGE OF THE BOY left the game
smooke left the game
667 left the game
x.Lancelot left the game
MS-BOOST | Player left the game
Server failed to respond to query
ĤĒ_ÝMÊŮ_ĈŦPÊĴI9Ťb joined the game
smooke joined the game
Pandem. joined the game
x.Lancelot joined the game
RAGE OF THE BOY joined the game
Twinner joined the game
MS-BOOST | Player joined the game
yoshi left the game
Domo left the game
egoist left the game
DROP DEAD FRED left the game
BorHor left the game
smooke left the game
Server responded to query
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |