'sNs.Br #2 [ ALL MAPS + BOTS ] @2025
- Rank
- #1977
- Player count
- 0/32
- Address
- Status
- invalid
- Distance
- 8013 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- cs_office
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
advanced_quake_sounds | 5.0 |
allow_spectators | 1.0 |
amx_client_languages | 0 |
amx_language | bp |
amx_nextmap | cs_italy |
amx_timeleft | 02:00 |
amxmodx_version | |
coop | 0 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 30 |
edgefriction | 2 |
ff_damage_reduction_bullets | 0.35 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade | 0.25 |
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self | 1.0 |
ff_damage_reduction_other | 0.35 |
game_version | |
humans_join_team | any |
max_queries_sec | 1 |
max_queries_sec_global | 1 |
max_queries_window | 1 |
metamod_version | |
mp_afk_bomb_drop_time | 0 |
mp_autokick | 0 |
mp_autokick_timeout | -1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 2 |
mp_buy_anywhere | 0 |
mp_buytime | 0.2 |
mp_c4timer | 45 |
mp_chattime | 1 |
mp_consistency | 1 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 1 |
mp_flashlight | 0 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forcecamera | 0 |
mp_forcechasecam | 0 |
mp_forcerespawn | 0 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_fragsleft | 0 |
mp_freeforall | 0 |
mp_freezetime | 0 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_give_player_c4 | 1 |
mp_hostage_hurtable | 1 |
mp_hostagepenalty | 0 |
mp_infinite_ammo | 0 |
mp_infinite_grenades | 0 |
mp_item_staytime | 300 |
mp_kickpercent | 0.66 |
mp_limitteams | 2 |
mp_logdetail | 0 |
mp_logfile | 1 |
mp_logmessages | 1 |
mp_mapvoteratio | 0.66 |
mp_maxmoney | 99000 |
mp_maxrounds | 0 |
mp_mirrordamage | 0 |
mp_playerid | 1 |
mp_radio_maxinround | 60 |
mp_radio_timeout | 1.5 |
mp_respawn_immunity_effects | 1 |
mp_respawn_immunity_force_unset | 1 |
mp_respawn_immunitytime | 0 |
mp_round_infinite | 0 |
mp_round_restart_delay | 5 |
mp_roundover | 0 |
mp_roundtime | 1.8 |
mp_scoreboard_showdefkit | 1 |
mp_scoreboard_showhealth | 3 |
mp_scoreboard_showmoney | 3 |
mp_show_scenarioicon | 0 |
mp_startmoney | 99000 |
mp_timeleft | 02:00 |
mp_timelimit | 15 |
mp_tkpunish | 0 |
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed | 1 |
mp_windifference | 1 |
mp_winlimit | 0 |
pausable | 0 |
reu_version | |
revoice_version | |
sv_accelerate | 5 |
sv_aim | 1 |
sv_airaccelerate | 5 |
sv_allowupload | 0 |
sv_alltalk | 3 |
sv_bounce | 1 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_clienttrace | 1 |
sv_contact | contato@addonscs.com |
sv_friction | 4 |
sv_gravity | 800 |
sv_logblocks | 0 |
sv_maxrate | 100000 |
sv_maxspeed | 320 |
sv_minrate | 20000 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_proxies | 0 |
sv_restart | 0 |
sv_restartround | 0 |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 75 |
sv_uploadmax | 0.5 |
sv_version |,48,3378 |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
yb_version | 4.2.598 |
Server failed to respond to query
CharizarDi left the game
PRoPrayer kkkk left the game
BAtaTA-doce left the game
Capitao left the game
Samantha aprendendo left the game
nunca erro left the game
Server failed to respond to query
Samantha aprendendo joined the game
Capitao joined the game
Samantha aprendendo left the game
Server responded to query
Capitao left the game
BAtaTA-doce joined the game
nunca erro joined the game
Samantha aprendendo joined the game
Capitao joined the game
PRoPrayer kkkk joined the game
CharizarDi joined the game
Server responded to query
PRoPrayer kkkk left the game
Xuvisco left the game
Terrorista de CT left the game
ZE DA Manga left the game
Elon Muskuloso left the game
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |