* SchlachtHof :|: Dust2 Only :|: noAWP // noAim.eu
- Rank
- #53
- Player count
- 8/34
- Address
- Status
- online
- Distance
- 6777 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- de_dust2
- Password Protected
- False
- Friendly Fire
- On
Setting | Value |
afkbomb | 2 |
afkbombversion | 1.5.0 |
afkbomb_action | 0 |
afkbomb_freezetime | 0 |
afkbomb_latecheck | 2 |
afkbomb_latecheckaction | 1 |
afkbomb_latecheckdelay | 5.0 |
afkbomb_msg | 1 |
anticamp_css_version | 2.5.2 |
bot2player_version | public.2013. |
bot_quota | 8 |
bp_version | 1.2 |
coop | 0 |
deathmatch | 1 |
decalfrequency | 30 |
discord_calladmin_version | 1.1 |
discord_version | 1.0 |
extra_cash_amount | 16000 |
extra_Cash_on | 1 |
forceRate_version | 2.2 |
hlxce_plugin_version | 1.6.19 |
hlxce_version | 1.7.0 |
hlxce_webpage | https://hlx.noaim.eu/ |
kid_version | 1.4.1 |
metamod_version | 1.10.7-devV |
mp_allowNPCs | 1 |
mp_autocrosshair | 1 |
mp_autoteambalance | 1 |
mp_c4timer | 35 |
mp_disable_respawn_times | 0 |
mp_fadetoblack | 0 |
mp_falldamage | 1 |
mp_flashlight | 1 |
mp_footsteps | 1 |
mp_forceautoteam | 0 |
mp_forcerespawn | 1 |
mp_fraglimit | 0 |
mp_freezetime | 2 |
mp_friendlyfire | 0 |
mp_holiday_nogifts | 1 |
mp_hostagepenalty | 10 |
mp_limitteams | 1 |
mp_match_end_at_timelimit | 0 |
mp_maxrounds | 0 |
mp_respawnwavetime | 10.0 |
mp_roundtime | 2.5 |
mp_scrambleteams_auto | 1 |
mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference | 2 |
mp_stalemate_enable | 0 |
mp_stalemate_meleeonly | 0 |
mp_startmoney | 16000 |
mp_teamlist | hgrunt;scientist |
mp_teamplay | 0 |
mp_timelimit | 60 |
mp_tournament | 0 |
mp_weaponstay | 0 |
mp_winlimit | 0 |
nextlevel | |
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_AirboatViewZHeight | 0.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenDamp | 1.0 |
r_JeepViewDampenFreq | 7.0 |
r_JeepViewZHeight | 10.0 |
r_VehicleViewDampen | 1 |
sbchecker_version | 1.7.0 |
sbpp_report_version | 1.7.0 |
sb_version | 1.7.0 |
smac_version | 0.9 |
sm_advertisements_version | 2.0.4 |
sm_anti_nade_spam_version | 2.3.6 |
sm_anti_rejoin_version | ${-version-} |
sm_anti_team_flash_version | 1.2.3 |
sm_botchat_version | 0.1 |
sm_botnames_announce | 0 |
sm_botnames_enabled | 1 |
sm_botnames_prefix | |
sm_botnames_random | 1 |
sm_botnames_suppress | 1 |
sm_botnames_version | 1.0 |
sm_calladmin_mysql_version | 0.1.8 |
sm_calladmin_usermanager_version | 0.1.8 |
sm_calladmin_version | 0.1.8 |
sm_damage_report_version | 1.1.13 |
sm_discord_noaim_version | 0.2 |
sm_halftime_teamswitch_version | 1.0.11 |
sm_hiping_noaim_version | 0.3 |
sm_knifefight_version | 1.3.8 |
sm_knifesyphon_version | 2.0 |
sm_nAV_version | 0.3 |
sm_nextmap | |
sm_noaim_wordfilter_version | 1.4 |
sm_noblock | 1 |
sm_playersvotes_version | 1.5.0 edited by Franc1sco Franug |
sm_quakesounds_version | 1.8 |
sm_quickdefuse_version | 0.3 |
sm_radio_blocker_version | 1.0.0 |
sm_save_scores_version | 1.3.4 |
sm_seekc_version | 1.0 |
sm_show_damage_version | 1.0.7 |
sm_sourcesleuth_version | 1.7.0 |
sm_teamswitch_version | 1.3 |
sm_team_join_control_version | 1.2 |
sm_weaponrestrict_version | 2.3.5 |
sm_zobserve_version | 0.2 |
sourcecomms_version | 1.7.0 |
sourcemod_version | |
sv_accelerate | 5 |
sv_airaccelerate | 10 |
sv_allowminmodels | 0 |
sv_alltalk | 0 |
sv_bounce | 0 |
sv_cheats | 0 |
sv_competitive_minspec | 0 |
sv_contact | info@noaim.eu |
sv_enableboost | 0 |
sv_enablebunnyhopping | 0 |
sv_footsteps | 1 |
sv_friction | 4 |
sv_gravity | 800 |
sv_maxspeed | 320 |
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks | 24 |
sv_noclipaccelerate | 5 |
sv_noclipspeed | 5 |
sv_nostats | 0 |
sv_password | 0 |
sv_pausable | 0 |
sv_rollangle | 0 |
sv_rollspeed | 200 |
sv_specaccelerate | 5 |
sv_specnoclip | 1 |
sv_specspeed | 3 |
sv_steamgroup | 658250 |
sv_stepsize | 18 |
sv_stopspeed | 75 |
sv_tags | increased_maxplayers,nogifts,nominmodels,startmoney,bots,biergarten,bomb,de_dust2,dust2,new,noaim,pub,public,puplic,schlachthof |
sv_voiceenable | 1 |
sv_vote_quorum_ratio | 0.6 |
sv_wateraccelerate | 10 |
sv_waterfriction | 1 |
tf_arena_max_streak | 3 |
tf_arena_preround_time | 10 |
tf_arena_round_time | 0 |
tf_arena_use_queue | 1 |
tv_enable | 0 |
tv_password | 0 |
tv_relaypassword | 0 |
Anna^nass joined the game
Gaudi joined the game
NaTaS joined the game
MatyuV joined the game
Fatality joined the game
Mr. Skittles left the game
pXL left the game
sfqc.yancey left the game
Dragoninlite gww32 left the game
ne2sb3al left the game
Server responded to query
Ulow joined the game
Měrćin joined the game
Dragoninlite gww32 joined the game
pXL joined the game
Mr. Skittles joined the game
sfqc.yancey joined the game
<<<^^*VamPire*^^>> left the game
// eimbod left the game
JAP 1892 left the game
OrNaL1fe left the game
Server responded to query
mav joined the game
ne2sb3al joined the game
noAim|Drake Unpredictable left the game