World One 11/28 |3x|NoMax|Shop|Homes|Smelt|Major Events|Custom
- Rank
- #8659
- Player count
- 0/50
- Address
- Status
- dead
- Distance
- 728 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 225.93
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- Official Server
- False
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Map Information
Rusty Raiders World One Official 3x Modded Server NJ Hosted Check out our website for anything you need! -3x gather rate! -wipes every Thursday at 12pm EST! -/Shop /Homes /TP /Trade! -Fast Smelt! -Custom Loot Tables! -Active Admins! -High Performance! -3500 Map Size! -Major Events/Custom Plugins! -No max clan/player limits! -no raid/roam limits! -Playtime Tacker! -Classic Kits! -So Much More! -little to no gameplay rules! -just classic toxic RUST! Here Are Our Current Plugins! Plugins (61): Rust:IO for Oxide, AdminHammer, Admin Radar, Advert Messages, Air Fuel, Auto Doors, Auto Fuel, Automatic Authorization, Better Chat, Better Chat Mute, Better Chat Filter, BetterLoot, BGrade, Building Grades, CargoShipScientistsBugFix, Rust:IO Clans, Clan Tags, Coloured Chat, CustomChatCommands, Custom Icon, Death Notes, Economics, Event Randomizer, FriendlyFire, Friends, Furnace Splitter, Gathering Manager, Healer, HelpText, Hostile Time, Image Library, Inbound, Instant Craft, Kits, Loading Messages, LockSync, Loot Bouncer, Magic Description, Map Teleport, No Escape, No Give Notices, NTeleportation, PermissionsManager, PlayerList, Playtime Tracker, Plugin Update Notifications, PrivateMessages, Quick Smelt, Quick Sort, Remover Tool, Server Rewards, Sign Artist, SkinBox, SkipNightVote, Stack Size Controller, Tool Cupboard Turrets, Trade, Unburnable Meat, Vanish, Welcomer, Wipe Kits
Server Information
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Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |