[EU] CNDBLOOD Solo Only | 2x Vanilla | Thursdays [03/30]
- Rank
- #9978
- Player count
- 0/125
- Address
- eu-solo.cndblood.ca:28020 (Game Port)
eu-solo.cndblood.ca:28022 (Query Port) - Status
- dead
- Distance
- 6456 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 228.82
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://cndblood.com
- Official Server
- False
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Map Information
Welcome to CNDBLOOD's Solo Only * Server wipes every week on Thursday * Blueprint wipes are monthly * High performance * No Allies allowed * Map size | 3500 * Max group limit | ( 1 ) Do you think you found a cheater? Wish to report them? Please use the following command to report a player ( /report *player* ) and if it is an urgent situation, such as IRL threats or similar, join our Discord server at cndblood.com/discord and send an Admin a DM. Do NOT report him in the general chat! We don't want the cheater to toggle off knowing an Admin is watching them. Paying for a high performance Dedicated server can be super expensive. Please consider purchasing a VIP rank over at >> cndblood.com << Follow the instructions in the #how-to-verify channel to unlock all other channels. Please remember, this is just a video game. We are all here to have fun!
- Organization Page
- Websitehttps://cndblood.ca
- Storehttps://store.cndblood.ca
- Discordhttps://discord.gg/cndrust
- Steam Grouphttps://steamcommunity.com/groups/CNDRust
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |