UKN.GG - US Training Grounds - Main
- Rank
- #12
- Player count
- 122/250
- Address
- (Game Port) (Query Port) - Status
- online
- Distance
- 1471 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 30
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- Official Server
- False
isq joined the game
マンキー joined the game
Cherypashka333 joined the game
IIPYSII left the game
SHERSHEN left the game
banana joe left the game
EuleinEilich left the game
Ducky left the game
Zuka left the game
Cowradishh joined the game
대물준 joined the game
CEPГEEB ГOД БE3 CEKCA left the game
14 left the game
PNF_4 joined the game
pubert left the game
wik left the game
farm bot joined the game
beanie joined the game
atalo971 left the game
Thiago left the game
1 hz joined the game
Beloved by God joined the game
검은머리한국인 joined the game
<3 DspleN <3 left the game
Jermoon_XMH joined the game
These settings are automatically detected based on historical information and the server's description.
If this is your server you can generate a server tag to show your settings and wipe schedule here.
- Next Wipe
- - Unknown Wipe
- Group Limit
- None
- Team UI Limit
- None
- Blueprints
- Enabled
- Kits
- No Kits
- Decay
- 100.00%
- Upkeep
- 100.00%
- Rates
- 1x
- Wipe Schedule
- This server wipes on force wipe. Wipe type is unknown.
- Unknown wipe every 24 hours at 5:00 AM (America/Chicago).
Upcoming Wipes
Map Information
UKN MapEntity Count