[US] Oblivion - 3x Vanilla - Max 6
- Rank
- #11274
- Player count
- 0/150
- Address
- us.oblivionrust.com:20016 (Game Port)
us.oblivionrust.com:20050 (Query Port) - Status
- dead
- Distance
- 1369 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Average FPS
- 59.8
- Last Wipe
- -
- False
- Website
- https://oblivionrust.com/
- Official Server
- False
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
Server failed to respond to query
This server doesn't report their server settings and wipe schedule. The server description may provide more information.
If this is your server you can generate a server tag to show your settings and wipe schedule here.
Map Information
Oblivion Generated MapsEntity Count
OblivionRust.com 3x Vanilla US - The official youtuber server of Oblivion! Friday Map Wipes @ 3PM EST A perfectly modded 3x Vanilla to give you that nice middleground between Modded and Vanilla. VIP available at https://store.oblivionrust.com/ 6 Group Limit. 24/7 Admin Support. Custom plugins. Amazing performance. English only chat.
- Organization Page
- Websitehttps://oblivionrust.com/
- Storehttps://store.oblivionrust.com/
- Discordhttps://discord.oblivionrust.com/
- Ban Appealshttps://support.oblivionrust.com/
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |