Dustbowl | Class Wars
- Rank
- #344
- Player count
- 0/33
- Address
- Status
- online
- Distance
- 769 km
- Country
- Uptime
- Map
- cp_dustbowl
- Password Protected
- False
Setting | Value |
cronjobs_version | 2.0 |
crontab_version | 2.0 |
discord_calladmin_version | 1.1 |
discord_sourcebans_version | 1.0 |
discord_sourcecomms_version | 1.1 |
discord_version | 1.0 |
extended_advertisements_version | 1.2.8 |
goto_version | 1.2 |
metamod_version | 1.11.0-dev+1144V |
pets_version | 1.185 |
sbchecker_version | 1.6.3 |
sbpp_report_version | 1.6.3 |
sbr_version | 1.6.3 |
sb_version | 1.6.3 |
scp_version | 2.1.0 |
sc_module_version | |
sc_version | |
sm_achmod_version | 1.0 |
sm_aimnames_version | 0.8 |
sm_calladmin_version | 0.1.8 |
sm_doubleqoutefix_version | 15.0916 |
sm_hideconvars_version | v1.1 |
sm_nextmap | cp_dustbowl |
sm_rtd_version | |
sm_sourcesleuth_version | 1.7.0 |
sm_tf_stats_version | 1.0 Otaku |
sm_tidychat_version | 0.5 |
sourcecomms_version | 1.6.3 |
sourcemod_version | |
stripper_version | 1.2.2 |
sw_auto_steam_update_version | 1.1 |
sw_gamedesc_override_version | 1.1 |
tf2attributes_version | 1.2.1 |
tf2items_manager_version | 1.4.3 |
tf2items_version | 1.6.4 |
tfecondata_version | 0.16.6 |
tfh_version | 1.10.2 |
thirdperson_version | 2.1.0 |
Server responded to query
Server responded to query
Numnutz left the game
Hat-Wearing MAN left the game
ThatGuy left the game
CryBaby left the game
Mega Baboon left the game
сметанка:) left the game
Server responded to query
сметанка:) joined the game
Numnutz joined the game
Hat-Wearing MAN joined the game
Mega Baboon joined the game
Mega Baboon left the game
Glorified Toaster with Legs left the game
Ribs Grow Back left the game
Dirk Dinkum left the game
Server responded to query
Dirk Dinkum joined the game
CryBaby joined the game
ThatGuy joined the game
Glorified Toaster with Legs joined the game
Mega Baboon joined the game
Ribs Grow Back joined the game
Server responded to query
Server Statistics
Active players
Name | Play time |